Be'lakor the dark master

My first large miniature project. I always wanted to paint a demon prince like Samael (from the Darksiders PC game). Recently, there was a new Be'lakor from Games Workshop, so I grab one from the local hobby shop. The cover paint job for this miniature was in black scheme, but I wanted to paint it mostly red.

Here is a photo, after finishing assembling.

Like usual, I brush primed with acrylic gesso.

Priming with acrylic gouche: Burnt Sienna, Ultramarine Blue (Wash)s

Working on the skin: Cadmium Red Medium over Van Dyke Brown or White over Transparent Orange

hardened skin: Transparent Orange + White over Van Dyke Brown
For the horn, Payne's Grey, highlight with Cobalt Teal.

With above photo, I draw some pattern on the wing using GIMP (Photoshop alternative).

I want to have some texture on the pattern, so I'm experiment with acrylic paste to draw the pattern.

The acrylic paste mixed with black acrylic ink, then using toothpick, I applied the pattern like below photo:

Painted the pattern and the other part of the wings.

For the black tanticle like pattern, I applied Van Dyke Brown wash and highlight with Paynes Grey and Titanium White.
For other highlights, I applied Cobalt Teal slighlty mixed with Venetian Red.

Intensify the highlight (almost orange) by mixing cadmium red light and yellow ochre.

For the sword, I applied Cadmium Red Medium and Cadmium Red Light (from outer edge to the center), then Cadmium Yellow Medium. Then, from the edge, I wet-blended outer edge with Ivory Black, and blend with Titanium White in the center.

The end of the smoke is not enough dark. This is due to the underlaying Cadmium Red Medium is not dried yet. I let this dry/cure somewhat, and later applied Ivory Black again.

Working on the base. I intent to use muted color for the dead body as it looks like losing it's soul, and give purplish look on the rocks.

Re-attaching the base with the mini.

Preparing base for the surrounding area with acrylic paste and black ink:

The ground on the supplied base looks like basalt, stones from molten lava, so I mimicked it using the paste above. Also, added some skull bits

Placed three additional pointy rocks (black kyanite stones), and painted.

Almost done. I'm waiting for the paint completely cured.

Paints and the palette after finishing this project.

Cured, and varnished. Here are final photos: