Cursed City: Watch Captain Halgrim

Watch Captin Halgrim from Cursed City, Warhammer Quest.

Although it consists of only three parts, it's very delicate and complex, hardly able to paint in full if assembled.

Basecoat on a few area, especially the inside of the cloak.

Then, I assembled the model in full.

The hair strand and the shape of the cloak are telling me that this miniature is at best with withered, dirty outlook. Mostly, I used Van Dyke Brown, Burnt Umber and Viridian for the armor. For the cloth rags in the front, I applied Indian Yellow, and it's transparent nature with the black base coat, it looks dark brown. Also added some broken brick road to emphasize the ruined environment (using textured rolling pin from Greenstuff World).

The cloak was too smooth for the withered concept, so I applied some brownish colors to dirt it, Working on the weapons in this stage as well.

Finished the base, fully cured, then varnished. Here are final photos. Unfortunately, that the shaft of the halberd was bent. Ouch. I dare not try to restore it as it might break. :(