Little Witch
Published by Mulgam,

I saw the Facebook post of this beautiful miniature, couldn't help myself buying one from Ignis Art. This is 'Little Witch', 75mm scale resin miniature. I didn't have a lot of experiences dealing with resin miniature, but this one has exceptional crisp details and surprisingly, no mold lines. Of course, there are some joints that are not perfectly match due to contraction of the resin, but overall, this is fantastic quality one.

Primed with Golden Gesso, tinted with some acrylics paints.

I'm always fascinated that mixing yellow and black turn the color to dark green. I understand the logic, but still, it's amazing that it turned to beautiful muted dull green.

The direction, and size of the eye affect the emotional feeling of the character a lot. I usually experiment with GIMP before the painting of eyes.

Painting is almost done, waiting for the curing.

Cured, and matte varnished.