Queen of Hearts
Published by Mulgam,

Queen of Hearts from Darksword Miniatures. Not quite sure whether this depict the queen from the Alice's Adventure in Wonderland.

Prime: Golden White Gesso, Golden Black Gesso, Liquitex Acrylic Gouache Burnt Sienna = 10:1:2

Painted an wood block (1.5 x 1.5 x 1.5 inch) for the plinth of this miniature:

Quinacridone Magenta + Titanium White
Cadmium Red Medium + Yellow Ochre

I want intense yellow on the wings. Thinking glazing with yellow layer, I just created blending using Yellow Ochre and Titanium White.

The painted example of this miniature seems to have strong white make-up on the face, so I tinted Dioxazine Purple and Quinacridone Magenta with a touch of Venetian Red. Also, Venetian Red for the lips.

Once the wings are dried, I glazed with Indian Yellow and Transparent Orange. For the hair, shaded Cadmium Red Medium, and Venetian Red for the highlight.

Cured and Matte varnished. With some base-decoration, here are final photos.