Rockgut Troggoths
Published by Mulgam,

After a long trip, I finally came back home. This was left unpainted after priming for more than 3 months, and I finally decide to paint it. The key paint of this job is cobalt teal, a single pigmented cyan color.

Brush on primer:

Unfortunately, I missed a photo of base coat. The icy rock part, wood, and leather parts are base coated with acrylic paints, and I already working on the skin part.

Working on the icy rock part on the back side.

Shoulder part

This is how I speed up drying of the oil paints.

Most areas are already painted.

Finalizing by highlight a few area with pure white, and painting metal parts (earings and rings in the pants)

Working on the base. My intention was to create rock on the frozen water, and the whole environment is covered by snow.

After putting a small decoration on the base, varnished. Here are final photos.

With its friend: