Warhammer 40k Ultramarine Hellblaster (Metalic Marine)
Published by Mulgam,

Normally, I prefer opaque paints to coat the miniature unless for the glazing, but this time, I was thinking "With transparent paints, perhaps it will give very good look if applied on metallic silver." I have Golden Open Acrylic Phthalo Blue and Phthalo Green, which are perfect to run this idea as they are strong transparent colors.
So I tried and here's the process.
First, I primed the model with Vallejo Surface Primer Black (brush), and applied Vallejo Model Color Silver. If you look at the following photo, you'll see that the silver coat was not even, showing the black undercoat here and there. I didn't care that too much as it will show some random effect later. Also, it is not easy to coat evenly. You'll see that I already started blending using Phthalo Blue and Green.

Here's another photo:

So far it was just experiment. Once the arm and plasma gun attached, the torso should be darker which is not at this moment. Unfortunately, I was concentrated to finish the model, so there are no more intermediate photos.
After blending all with Phthalo Blue and Green, I applied Paynes Gray to shade the darker area.
Then, I started to paint gold area (winged skull in the torso and the edge of the shoulder plate) using Amsterdam Acrylic Inks (Light Gold and Copper). For the Winged Skull, I also applied dlited Paynes Gray for the shade.
Then, I was working on the plasma gun. To be honest, I never satisfied my painting skill on weapons. I was afraid to mess up especially the plasma coil area, so I switched to my oil paint, as oil wash can spread well on the recessed area. I used Cobra Water Mixable Oils for this (Phthalo Blue and Titanium White).
For the eyes, I used Amsterdam Acrylic Ink Reflect Orange.
Finally, I was not sure whether I can effectively use acrylic paints for the plasma core considering my current paint skill. So I switched to oil paints on my disposal. First prepare the surface with white acrylic coat. Then create wash using Cobra Oil Phthalo Blue, fill the recessed lines. For the convex lines, I blended Cobra Oil Phthalo Blue with Titanium white.
Here's final look. As it is very shiny due to the underlaying silver, it was really difficult to take a photo. Tried several shot under direct sun light, room environment, photo booth, and so on, but nothing was perfect. Anyway here are the best shot among those.

Here are paints that I used to paint this miniature:

I marked [Optional] for the paints that you can easily replace with other model paints.
- [Optional] Amsterdam Acrylic Ink, Reflex Orange: for the eyes
- [Optional] Amsterdam Acrylic Ink, Copper: to shade the gold surface - chest and border of shoulder plates
- [Optional] Amsterdam Acrylic Ink, Light Gold: for the base coat of gold surface
- Golden Open Acrylic Paint, Paynes Gray: for the general purpose shade
- Golden Open Acrylic Paint, Phthalo Blue (Green Shade): primary paint for the blending
- Golden Open Acrylic Paint, Phthalo Green (Yellow Shade): primary paint for the blending
- Vallejo Surface Primer, Black: Primer for the miniature
- Vallejo Model Color, Silver: base coat
- Vallejo Model Color, White: basecoat for the eyes and plasma core.
- [Optional] Cobra Water Mixable Oil Paint, Titanium White: convex lines of plasma core
- [Optional] Cobra Water Mixable Oil Paint, Phthalo Blue: recessed lines of plasma core